Thursday, October 28, 2010

tiny black pucks

I picked this up mostly because I like the packaging.  turns out they pack a powerful liquorice taste into each tiny  black puck.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What does Sabrina have to do with it?

Greg Kinnear, Julia Ormond and Harrison Ford in the movie Sabrina

Okay, so I’ve done it, I’ve gone and moved to France.  Sure one reasons was to develop a sense of personal style. Like most North American women, I think French women are born with fabulousness, and I’m hoping by living here for a year, I might pick up a few tricks.
Do you remember the movie Sabrina? Okay well if you haven’t seen it, rent it. You take a frumpy North American women, give her a few years in Paris et voila – she returns a vixen. But is it really possible? Does losing a bit of weight, a new wardrobe and a haircut guarantee long-term allure? I wonder how long it’ll take her before she’s back to her frumpy ways…. Or maybe I should ask: what habits do you pick up in France that can really last a lifetime? 

In this blog, I hope to share with you my personal journey to becoming my own version of a fashionista. Okay full disclosure, I am anything but that at present. I’m practical, (shoes and clothing must be comfortable) and I’m broke (any addition must be something I absolutely can’t live without). I love sneakers and usually don’t wear makeup, but if wanting and wiliness counts, I’ve got more than enough to make even a small transition. I’ll comment on anything I find interesting, clothing, beauty, humour, music, you name it. If you have suggestions, or comments, I’d be happy to hear from you.

Hope you’re wearing flats, cause this could be one hell of a ride. Are you with me?